Book Review: The Bookman’s Tale

The Bookman's TaleThe Booklover’s Rating:

The Bookman’s Tale is thus far the best book I’ve read in 2013.  It is a perfect book for a bibliophile since the mystery centers around Shakespeare, rare books, book binding, etc.  I’ve often said that the best books are about books and this is definitely the case here.

The Bookman’s Tale begins in 1995 where we find Peter Byerly, rare book dealer, living in a small English village.  Stopping in a bookshop in the village he happens upon a portrait of his wife, Amanda, who nine months earlier had died suddenly.  There the mystery begins, since the portrait was found in a study of eighteenth century Shakespeare forgeries.  Following the trail of the portrait and of an important rare book which must be authenticated, Peter solves one of history’s greatest questions —  Who authored Shakespeare’s plays?

My only complaint about this novel (and it is a small one) is that everything is just a little too convenient for Peter as he tracks down the mysteries in this book.  All in all though the book is well plotted and a fun read for those who love books and mysteries.  You will not be disappointed!

Book Details:  Published by Viking Adult (June 3, 2013), 368 pages, ISBN: 0670026470.

Book Review: Songs for the Missing

imagesThe Booklover’s Rating:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I wasn’t sure whether to read Songs for the Missing by Stewart O’Nan.  It just seemed not to be my usual type, but I have been known to step outside my usual literature and like what I have read.  Such was the case with Songs for the Missing.  This was an excellent book.

Kim Larsen is an 18 year-old resident of Kingsville, Ohio.  Like most 18 year-olds, she has just finished high school is getting ready to leave Kingsville for college.  She disappears on her way to work one afternoon, but not until the next morning do her parents, Ed and Fran, and 15-year-old sister, Lindsay, realize Kim is missing.  What follows is in no way happy.  You learn what happens through shifting points of view, mostly that of her family and friends.  Mr. O’Nan does an excellent job, because you begin to wonder just as the characters in the book, will we ever know what happened?

This book will appeal to those who love a good mystery, chick-lit fans, lovers of literature, etc.  I highly recommend this book!

Have you read Songs for the Missing?  If so, leave a comment and let others know what you think…

Book Details: Published by Viking Adult (October 30, 2008), 320 pages, ISBN-10: 067002032X, ISBN-13: 978-0670020324